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Movie Times | Eclipse Movie | Free Movie Downloads 2011

Movie Times
2012 - Best Disaster Movie of All Times
By []Vikram Gill

The end of world has been a favorite theme of Hollywood for many years. But no movie has shown this much destruction ever before all thanks to out of this world animation industry we have today. The computer effects are breathtaking and in no instance you will complain about lack of reality.

Any other movie which came close to 2012 is "The Day After Tomorrow" made by the same director Roland Emmerich. His vision about destruction is backed by scientific study but he always finds some way to save the human race. So, do people believe that world would end some day? If you go by the the current

affairs such as global warming, climate change, possibility of asteroid hitting the earth and maybe increased tension between different countries may lead to another World War. The Prophet Jeremiah have said the end is coming and it will happen according to our lord's wish. Mayans calendar says the earth will complete 26,000 revolutions around the sun in 2012. There calendars were made to this year only after that they predicted doomsday. Another indication is that Leonardo Da Vinci's "Last Supper" painting revealed a new planet is about to form. Some experts also believe Judas will

arrive on earth as the form of another planet and will collide resulting in end of all living things. The ending of the movie will disappoint few people but the whole experience is one of a kind. Every form of natural force is shown working against us. Earthquakes, floods, twisters, you name it they all are shown. According to me, 2012 is the best disaster movie ever made. Bollywood movie reviews can found at []Top 10 Bollywood and for Lyrics of Bollywood songs see

[]Hindi Songs Lyrics. Article Source: [] 2012 - Best Disaster Movie of All Times

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